Farm Tour - Why eat local?
Dietitian Tara Blake did a Farm Tour in the area. Recipies below.
- Local is fresh and tasty
- A wide variety of local foods are available: vegetables, fruit, herbs, meat, poultry, cheese, honey and maple syrup just to name a few
- Save money as food produced close to home is often a good buy
- Preserve our farms for the future
- Support local farms and their families
For recipies from the Farm Tour - click here

"I had a delightful day yesterday touring some of the best things that Powassan and Area has to offer... fresh local food"
Unlock Food (formerly Eat Right Ontario)
Helps you to improve your health and quality of life through healthy eating.
The Canadian Diabetes Association
A leading expert and authority on diabetes in Canada – and around the world.
Part of an evolving telehealth care platform that provides multi-disciplined comprehensive self-care and health system navigation services.
Dietitians of Canada
The website of the national professional association for dietitians, providing information and videos about healthy eating.
Healthy Eating on a Budget
Quick Tips: Health Eating on a Budget - HealthLink BC
Recipes | Foodland Ontario
Search recipes - Canada's Food Guide
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